Here is a “divine tension” exposed in Scripture…
…Angels announcement of the birth of Christ:
“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” (Luke 2:14)
…Jesus speaking to his disciples:
“Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)
So which is it? BOTH
Jesus coming to this Earth, and completing the work of redemption, reconciled the world to the Father. Jesus brought “peace” between the Creator and His creation from the Father’s side of the equation. However, as Jesus pointed out, he did not reconcile the human race to itself.
Jesus presence in the Earth actually at times increases our division, as we make our choice whether to accept or reject him and each other. My love for Jesus will cause those who reject him to reject me. Or even worse, if I replace my relationship with Jesus with religion about him, I will reject those around me who don’t see things as I do, and wrongfully do it in “His Name.”
Here is a critical point –
Jesus did not reject those who rejected him. He loved them. Even on the Cross…
…”Jesus said, Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23;34 NLT)
As a disciple of Jesus I am NEVER free to reject those who reject Jesus, or reject me for following him. Jesus loved his enemies and commanded me to do the same.
The Father has never rejected anyone, and never will. His desire is only peace and good will toward all of creation. We are the ones that reject him, and each other.
We live in the tension of…
…Eric’s Life Lesson # 199: “Divine Tension”