“As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.” (Psalm 103:15 NKJV)
“Our days are so few, and our momentary beauty so swiftly fades away!” (Psalm 103:15 TPT)
“Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die.” (Psalm 103:15 NLT)
“As for man, his days are like grass; like a flower of the field, so he flourishes.” (Psalm 103:15 AMP)
“As for man, his days are like grass – he blooms like a flower in the field.” (Psalm 103:15 HCSB)
“A son of man is like the grass in its days and like a flower of the field so he springs up.” (Psalm 103:15 ABIPE)
I think we need to stop for a moment and review what we have read in Psalm 103 thus far…
…Verse 1: The starting point is always to stop and recognize the One from whom everything flows. I need to remind myself to do this each and every day.
…Verse 2: Once I have recognized my Daddy, and given Him the worship due Him, I need to stop and remind myself that there are benefits to living as a son of the King.
…Verse 3: Now I begin to claim what is mine as a member of the royal family. The Kingdom in which I live has many benefits beginning with complete forgiveness. In the same way, and to the same degree, I possess complete healing.
…Verse 4: From a position of complete restoration and reconciliation; free from sin, sickness, and destruction; I am prepared to experience the fullness of love and mercy that flows from the very essence of my Daddy.
…Verse 5: Being part of the royal family, living in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, brings benefits that go far beyond the basics. My Daddy not only meets all of my needs (spirit, soul, and body), He fulfills my greatest desires and wildest dreams. He desires to completely satisfy me with His goodness. All of these benefits are to result in the experience of renewed youth (strength for today, stamina for tomorrow, and stability forever) without limit or end. Death is my final enemy to be overcome. The common view of aging as a “normal” process bringing debilitating effects is not something to be expected and embraced. As son of the King, living in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I defy aging and reject death!
…Verse 6: My Daddy has taken care of the oppressor, and his oppression, in my life.
…Verse 7: Like Moses I can know the “ways” (nature and character) of my Daddy. I don’t need to be like the children of Israel who only knew their perception of His “acts.”
…Verse 8: Once again I see the true nature of my Daddy who is without limits in His mercy and grace.
…Verse 9: When my Daddy has need to be “angry” it is limited in scope and duration.
…Verse 10: I will never get what I deserve. I am treated according to who my Daddy is, not according to who I am.
…Verse 11: And once again I am reminded of just how good my Daddy really is.
…Verse 12: Sin has been completely dealt with. It is not an issue with my Daddy.
…Verse 13: David temporarily shifts focus to the child. Now I get to see how my Daddy sees me. He has the love of a father holding his innocent, helpless, newborn baby in his hands.
…verse 14: The All Mighty, Infinite, Creator of the Universe, treats me with the care of a father of a newborn baby. He recognizes my need, and remembers my dependency on Him.
This brings us to today’s verse.
In verse 15 the writer is continuing the thought that he started in verse 13. He is developing the picture of a father holding his newborn baby in his hands. As the father looks lovingly on the child that he created, and sees that child’s complete dependency on him, he is moved with compassion. He is realizing just how frail and helpless this baby is at this stage in his life. His desire is that this child, as limited as he appears at the moment, flourish and grow.
In just two more verses David will move his focus from the limited child back to the limitless father. Taken in context, I do not read this as intended to give me a picture of my limitations. What I see is a comparison intended to help me see the complete freedom of limitation in my Daddy. Once I recognize my dependency on Him then I am in position to grow into my limitless potential as His son.
Definitely more to ponder in…
…Eric’s Life Lesson # 242 Kingdom Living (Psalm 103) Part 16 – Verse 15